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FEDERATION COMMANDER: LINE OF BATTLE - Includes 9 laminated full-color 8.5" x 11" ship diagrams. Line of Battle is a duplicate set of the ship cards that were in BATTLESHIPS ATTACK (except no Starbase card), also included is a four page scenario booklet.

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER PACK ZERO - Sub-titled "intelligence briefing" it includes one ship each from the Romulans, Gorns, Hydrans, Lyrans, WYN Star Cluster, and Inter-Stellar Concordium, plus a master weapons card and the preliminary rules for the weapons of these six factions.

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #91 - includes the Federation Heavy Cruiser with rear phasers, Original Federation Dreadnought, Original Federation Destroyer, Federation DDM Destroyer, Federation DDG Destroyer with missiles, Federation DDL Destroyer with plasma torpedoes, Federation Scout, and the Federation Tug.

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #92 - includes the Federation New Drone Cruiser, Klingon D5D Drone Cruiser, Romulan SparrowHawk-M Escort Cruiser, Kzinti Medium Drone Cruiser, Gorn Escort Light Cruiser, Tholian Web Patrol Cruiser, Lyran Escort Cruiser,and Seltorian Escort Cruiser.

The ADB, Inc. is providing online ship packs as it is cheaper and you can printout and laminate as many ship cards as you want. New factions include the Frax and the Omega empires.

BOOSTERS 1 - 3 expand Klingon Border (Klingon, Federation, Kzinti)

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #1 - Includes 7 laminated full-color ship diagrams. Booster #1 includes more of the Federation ships in the Klingon Border boxed set. Plus one entirely new ship, the Federation Command Cruiser.

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #2 - Includes 7 laminated full-color ship diagrams. Booster #2 includes more of the Klingon ships in the Klingon Border boxed set. Plus one entirely new ship, the Klingon D7C Command Cruiser.

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #3 - Includes 7 laminated full-color ship diagrams. Booster #3 includes more of the other ships in the Klingon Border boxed set. Plus two entirely new ships, the Kzinti Command Cruiser and the Tholian Heavy Cruiser.

BOOSTERS 4 - 6 expand Klingon Attack (Federation, Klingon, Kzinti, some Orion and Tholian)

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #4 - Includes 8 laminated full-color ship diagrams. Booster #4 includes more Federation, Kzinti and Orion ships, allowing you to make diverse squadrons with flexible capabilities. Leading the pack is the bonus ship card for this set, the Federation Fast Cruiser!

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #5 - Includes 8 laminated full-color ship diagrams. Booster #5 includes more of the other ships in the Klingon Attack boxed set, plus a a bonus ship card - the FD7 Klingon Fast Cruiser!

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #6 - Includes 8 laminated full-color ship diagrams. Booster #6 includes more of the other ships in the Klingon Attack.

BOOSTERS 7 - 9 expand Romulan Border (Federation, Romulan, Gorn)

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #7 - Includes 7 laminated full-color ship diagrams. Booster #7 includes additional full-color laminated ship diagrams for Federation Commander: Romulan Border. 1 New starship the new Federation Command Cruiser.

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #8 - Includes 7 laminated full-color ship diagrams. Booster #8 includes more of the other ships in the Romulan Border boxed set. Including two new starships the Gorn Command Cruiser and the Romulan KRC Command Cruiser.

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #9 - Includes 8 laminated full-color ship diagrams. Booster #9 includes more of the other ships in the Romulan Border boxed set, including two entirely new ships the Royal Hawk Assault Cruiser and 1 Nova Hawk Command Cruiser.

BOOSTERS 10 - 12 expand Romulan Attack (Federation, Romulan, Gorn)

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #10 - Includes 8 laminated full-color ship diagrams. Booster #10 includes the ships that fought at the Battle of Zulu Station in 2581. Included are the Federations New Fast Raiding Cruiser (new ship), two Federation Strike Cruisers, two Federation Battle Frigates, Romulan SparrowHawk Light Cruiser, two Romulan K5R Destroyers.

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #11 - Includes 8 laminated full-color ship diagrams. Booster #11 includes extra ship cards for Romulan Attack including the bonus new ship Gorn Fast Cruiser. Also included are two Gorn Light Cruisers, two Gorn Heavy Destroyers, two Gorn Battle Destroyers, and a Gorn Medium Cruiser.

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #12 - Includes 8 laminated full-color ship diagrams. Booster #12 includes extra ship cards for Romulan Attack including the bonus new ship Romulan FastHawk Cruiser. Also included are more Romulan ships: SparrowHawk, two FireHawks, two King Eagles, and two Snipes.

BOOSTERS 13 - 15 expand Tholian Attack (Tholian, Seltorian, Neo-Tholian)

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #13 - Includes 8 laminated full-color ship diagrams. Booster #13 includes two entirely new ships: Seltorian New Heavy Cruiser (new ship), Two Seltorian Destroyers, Two Neo-Tholian Frigates, Two Neo-Tholian Light Cruisers, Tholian Heavy Web Cruiser (new ship).

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #14 - Includes 8 laminated full-color ship diagrams. Booster #14 includes two entirely new ships: Seltorian New Heavy Cruiser (new ship), Two Seltorian Destroyers, Two Neo-Tholian Frigates, Two Neo-Tholian Light Cruisers, Tholian Heavy Web Cruiser (new ship).

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #15 - Includes 8 laminated full-color ship diagrams. Booster #15 includes two new ones: Seltorian Light Raiding Dreadnought (new ship), Two Seltorian Frigates, Two Tholian Disruptor War Cruisers (new ships), Two Neo-Tholian Destroyers, Tholian Web Tender.

BOOSTERS 16 - 18 expand Battleships Attack (Federation, Kzinti, Neo-Tholian, Hydran, Romulan, Klingon, Gorn)

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #16 - Includes 8 laminated full-color ship diagrams. Booster #16 includes Federation DNG, DHF, DNH (new ship), and DNL (new ship); Kzinti DN, DNL (new ship), and DNH (new ship); and Neo-Tholian DNH (new ship).

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #17 - Includes 8 laminated full-color ship diagrams. Booster #17 includes Klingon C8, C10 (new ship), C5 (new ship); Lyran DNH (new ship) and DNL (new ship); Hydran DNH (new ship) and Hydran DNL (new ship); and Tholian DNP (new ship).

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #18 - Includes 8 laminated full-color ship diagrams. Booster #18 includes Romulan Condor, Shrike (new ship), and Heavy Condor (new ship); Gorn DNH (new ship), DNL (new ship), and DN; Tholian DN and Neo-Tholian DN.

BOOSTERS 19 - 21 expand Distant Kingdoms (Lyran, Hydran)

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #19 - Includes 7 laminated full-color ship diagrams. Booster #19 includes two new fast raiders for the Lyrans and Hydrans, Lyran war cruisers and frigates, and Hydran Dragoon.

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #20 - Includes 8 laminated full-color ship diagrams. Booster #20 includes various Hydran ships: the Lord Bishop command cruiser, the Mohawk new heavy cruiser, medium cruiser, frigate, and destroyer.

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #21 - Includes 8 laminated full-color ship diagrams. Booster #21 includes the Lyran command cruiser, heavy cruiser, and two destroyers. It also includes the WYN heavy cruiser, war cruiser, destroyer, and auxiliary battlecruiser.

BOOSTERS 22 - 24 expand Orion Attack (Lyran, Orion, Hydran, some Gorn)

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #22 - Includes 8 laminated full-color ship diagrams. Booster #22 includes two Lyran military police cutters, two Hydran Gendarme police cutters; one large Q-ship, one Orion heavy cruiser, and two Orion slavers.

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #23 - Includes 8 laminated full-color ship diagrams. Booster #23 includes two Romulan frigates, two Gorn frigates, one small Q-ship, one Orion OK6 heavy cruiser, and two Orion Free Traitor cargo ships.

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #24 - Includes 8 laminated full-color ship diagrams. Booster #24 includes one Orion dreadnought, two Orion battle raiders, two Orion double raiders, two Orion war destroyers, and a formation of defense satellites.

BOOSTERS 25 - 27 expand Hydran Attack (Lyran, Hydran, Wyn)

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #25 - Includes a Lyran New Heavy Cruiser, a Lyran Light Cruiser, two Lyran War Destroyers, a WYN Frigate, a Klingon F5W War Destroyer and as bonus ships; Lyran New Command Cruiser, a Lyran Wildcat Battlecruiser.

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #26 - Includes a Hydran Iroquois New Heavy Cruiser, a Tarter War Cruise, two Rhino Hunter War Destroyers, two Buffalo Hunter War Destroyera, and as bonus ships; a Hydran Iroquois-F New Fast Cruiser, and a Hydran Lord Marshall Command Cruiser.

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #27 - includes a Hydran Rander Heavy Cruiser, two Hydran Lancer Destroyers, two Hydran Hunter Frigates, a WYN Auxilary Cruiser, and as bonus ships; a WYN Pocket Battleship, and a Klingon D5WL New Command Cruiser.

BOOSTERS 28 - 30 expand War & Peace (Vudar, Inter-Stellar Concordium, Andromedans)

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #28 - Includes a Vudar Heavy Cruiser, two Vudar War Cruisers, two Vudar War Destroyers, two Vudar War Frigates, and, as a bonus ship, the Vudar Command Cruiser.

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #29 - Includes an ISC Star Cruiser, two ISC Light Cruisers, two ISC Destroyers, two ISC Frigates, and, as a bonus ship, the ISC Command Cruiser.

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #30 - Includes an Andromedan Intruder, an Andromedan Conquistador, two Andromedan Cobras, two Andromedan Mambas, and, as bonus ships, and Andromedan Dominator and an Andromedan Python.

BOOSTERS 31 - 33 expand Transports Attacked

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #31 - Includes all new ships: a Fast Naval Transport, a Small Armed Freighter, a Large Armed Freighter, a Kzinti Combat Tug, a Federation Express Fast Courier, a Tholian Cargo Patrol Corvette, and a Small Q-Ship.

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #32 - Includes all new ships: a Klingon T7 Combat Tug, an ISC Light Tactical Transport, an ISC Tug, a Vudar Light Tactical Transport, a Jumbo Freighter, a Large Q-Ship, and a Free Trader.

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #33 - Includes all new ships: a Lyran Combat Tug, an Andromedan Galleon, an Andromedan Caravel, a Romulan SparrowHawk-T, a Romulan Freight Eagle, a Squadron Scale Armed Priority Transport/Fleet Scale Small Freighter, and a Fleet Scale Armed Priority Transport/Squadron Scale Ore Carrier.

BOOSTERS 34 - 36 expand Reinforcements Attack

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #34 - Includes all new ships: a Federation New Escort Cruiser, a Klingon D5E Escort Cruiser, a Kzinti Medium Escort Cruiser, a Tholian War Cruiser Escort, a Hydran New Escort Cruiser, a WYN War Cruiser Escort, and a Vudar War Cruiser Escort.

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #35 - Includes all new ships: a Klingon G2 Police Cutter, a Kzinti Police Frigate, a Tholian Police Cutter, an Orion Medium Raider, an Andromedan Viper Frigate, an Andromedan Recon Cobra, and a Lyran Police Cutter.

FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #36 - Includes all new ships: a Romulan Vulture Dreadnought, a Gorn Dreadnought Cruiser, a Gorn DNT Dreadnought, a WYN Heavy Battlecruiser, an ISC Heavy Dreadnought, an ISC Light Dreadnought, and a Vudar Heavy Battlecruiser.

Ship Card Packs

Ship Card Packs are themed by empire or type of ship and include six ships.


Federation Commander: Klingon Border
Federation Commander: Romulan Border

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