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Have you ever dreamed of commanding a powerful army?
Have you enjoyed a good historical novel about Ancient Rome and you would have liked to move to this period in the middle of battle?
Would you like to be able to change History or revive exciting historical events?
If you have answered affirmatively to any of these questions then this is your game.

ONUS! Traianus is a historical battles wargame, similar to a miniatures game, where two sides confront each other in an Ancient battle. This game is focused on the armies of the great superpowers of the apogee of the Roman Empire, during the reign of the emperors Trajan and Hadrian, between the 1st and 2nd centuries AD.

Roman Empire: The invincible Roman legions and emperor’s guard units, under the orders of commanders like Trajan and Hadrian, fighting in all fronts of the biggest empire of Antiquity, especially against Germans, Dacians and Parthians. Enlarging the frontiers!

Roman Army auxiliaries: An essential support to the imperial legions, with brave Gauls, skilled equites maurorum, Cantabrian highlanders, well-aimed Syrian archers, stealthy Britons or renowned slingers.

Celts: Tribes spreaded over whole Britain, with deadly troops like war charios, proud armed noblemen, Pictish warriors and maneuverable Briton riders.

Dacian Kingdom: A powerful rival to Roman power to the North of the Danube, and a terrible concern to Roman emperors, able to deploy mighty armies, from feared falxmen or Zalmoxis fanatics, to forces of turncoat legionaries and other Roman deserters.

Germans: Indefatigable fighters, jealous of their independence and a tenacious menace to the Empire, like brutal oathsworn noblemen, hunters, mounted caninefate pikemen or framea skirmishers.

Parthian Empire: The greatest superpower of the Ancient World after the Roman Empire, lord of the East, settled between China and Rome, with impressive armies formed of armored cataphracts on horse or on camel, Indian elephants and deadly mounted archers.

Sarmatians and Bastarnae: The indisputable masters of the Steppe, whose hordes inspire terror even to Roman legions, with feared noble cataphracts, flexible riders armed with the contus sarmaticus, unrivalled mounted archers and daring Bastarnae noblemen.

Mercenaries: They are going to be considerably enlarged to those preexisting, with powerful additions which will serve as reinforcements to any side ready to pay for their services: furious berserkir, Jewish rebels, Palmyreneans, Batavian warriors, Gaesatai and many more.

In this game different action cards recreate varied kinds of orders and battle events, that allow every match to be unique and to any combat to be epic, unpredictable and exciting.

ONUS! can be played anywhere but to get the best gaming experience we do recommend a game area as large as possible, i.e. 3.2 x 2.9 feet (100 x 90 cm)

Units are represented by cards which have been scaled around a Centuria (also known as Century) or to a Maniple (also known as Manipulus), representing formations from 80 to 100 men for Infantry units, 20 cavalrymen for Cavalry units or 6 Elephants.

Units have their own set of traits to represent permanent attributes of the unit, like Melee Combat, Range Attack, Defensive capacity, Morale and Life, and Movement capacity. This set of traits gets bonuses and penalties depending on the ongoing situation and combat engagements.

Units also have their unique set of skills to represent specific abilities they can perform: from defensive formations to extremely effective techniques to attack enemies. Some of these skills need to be activated; meaning only one of them can be used in an engagement, while others are inherent to the units.

Leadership is represented in the game by the figure of the General. A General’s token represent his HQ and its own escort. In addition to the leadership benefit, a General grants bonuses to nearby units, boosting the morale of the troops and providing additional benefits when they are engaged with the enemy in those bloody encounters.

In more detail, ONUS! Rome Vs Carthage is played in turns, composed by six different phases each:

1. Activation of Units: in this phase, the active player can play any number of Order cards from his hand, stating what units are going to be used during the turn.
2. Movement and Charges: in this phase, the active player may move all those units activated in the previous phase. Those units finishing their movement in contact with enemy units, may Charge against them.
3. Range Attack: those active units able to carry out Ranged Attacks and which haven’t moved or executed a Reduced Movement may shoot enemies within its maximum range. Also, special units like Skirmirsher have this skill, thus they may want to use this ability.
4. Skirmishers: units having this specific skill can harass enemy units, provided they haven't spent all their movement points.
5. Combat: All engagements are resolved in this phase, being the active player the one choosing the order of combats.
6. Flee Movement: units fleeing continue their movement if Morale checks fail.

—description from the publisher

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