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  • 2023-03-12 01:02:40

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Lv.2 한마리곰

4:52       에이언즈 엔드
40:31     에이지 오브 스팀
1:04:46   메도우:하류
1:24:28   더 블러디 인,서커스 유랑단 확장
1:44:11     마블 유나이티드 확장팩 3종
2:03:30  서머너 워즈:그림자 엘프,방랑자
2:09:05   아발론 빅 박스 에디션
2:27:41     비얌비얌
2:43:55    강아지 똥: 웰시코기

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관련 보드게임

  • 에이지 오브 스팀: 딜럭스 에디션
    Age of Steam (2002)
    • Sean Brown, Peter Dennis, Paul Niemeyer, Ian O'Toole
  • 서머너 워즈
    Summoner Wars (2009)
    • Sean Brown, Peter Dennis, Paul Niemeyer, Ian O'Toole, JJ Ariosa, David Richards, Gary Simpson
  • 강아지 똥
    Doggie Doo (2010)
    • Sean Brown, Peter Dennis, Paul Niemeyer, Ian O'Toole, JJ Ariosa, David Richards, Gary Simpson
  • 블러디 인
    The Bloody Inn (2015)
    • Sean Brown, Peter Dennis, Paul Niemeyer, Ian O'Toole, JJ Ariosa, David Richards, Gary Simpson, Luis Francisco, Weberson Santiago
  • 에이언즈 엔드
    Aeon's End (2016)
    • Sean Brown, Peter Dennis, Paul Niemeyer, Ian O'Toole, JJ Ariosa, David Richards, Gary Simpson, Luis Francisco, Weberson Santiago, Gong Studios
  • 에이언즈 엔드: 무명
    Aeon's End: The Nameless (2017)
    • Sean Brown, Peter Dennis, Paul Niemeyer, Ian O'Toole, JJ Ariosa, David Richards, Gary Simpson, Luis Francisco, Weberson Santiago, Gong Studios
  • 에이언즈 엔드: 더 보이드
    Aeon's End: The Void (2017)
    • Sean Brown, Peter Dennis, Paul Niemeyer, Ian O'Toole, JJ Ariosa, David Richards, Gary Simpson, Luis Francisco, Weberson Santiago, Gong Studios, Gong Studios, Stephanie Gustafsson, Scott Hartman, Daniel Solis
  • 마블 유나이티드
    Marvel United (2020)
    • Sean Brown, Peter Dennis, Paul Niemeyer, Ian O'Toole, JJ Ariosa, David Richards, Gary Simpson, Luis Francisco, Weberson Santiago, Gong Studios, Gong Studios, Stephanie Gustafsson, Scott Hartman, Daniel Solis, Édouard Guiton
  • 비얌비얌
    Snakesss (2021)
    • Sean Brown, Peter Dennis, Paul Niemeyer, Ian O'Toole, JJ Ariosa, David Richards, Gary Simpson, Luis Francisco, Weberson Santiago, Gong Studios, Gong Studios, Stephanie Gustafsson, Scott Hartman, Daniel Solis, Édouard Guiton, Ben Drummond
  • 메도우: 하류
    Meadow: Downstream (2022)
    • Sean Brown, Peter Dennis, Paul Niemeyer, Ian O'Toole, JJ Ariosa, David Richards, Gary Simpson, Luis Francisco, Weberson Santiago, Gong Studios, Gong Studios, Stephanie Gustafsson, Scott Hartman, Daniel Solis, Édouard Guiton, Ben Drummond, Karolina Kijak
  • 아발론 빅 박스
    Avalon: Big Box (2022)
    • Sean Brown, Peter Dennis, Paul Niemeyer, Ian O'Toole, JJ Ariosa, David Richards, Gary Simpson, Luis Francisco, Weberson Santiago, Gong Studios, Gong Studios, Stephanie Gustafsson, Scott Hartman, Daniel Solis, Édouard Guiton, Ben Drummond, Karolina Kijak, Luis Francisco, Weberson Santiago
3개의 댓글이 있습니다.
    • 관리자 신나요
    • 2023-03-12 07:49:11

    늦는 건 없습니다 ㅎㅎ. 좋은 영상 감사합니다!
    • Lv.47 폭풍먼지
    • 2023-03-13 12:34:55

    우왓...거의 3시간 짜리 리뷰!!!
    • Lv.2 한마리곰
    • 2023-03-13 22:28:54

    매주 화요일마다 3시간짜리 리뷰를 생방송으로 하고 있어요 ㅎㅎ


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  • [자유] 1862 소소팁
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  • [콘텐츠] 멸망을 맞은 인류의 생존 그리고 성장, <에이언즈 엔드 레거시>
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