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커뮤니티 > 콘텐츠 2023년 4월 3주 금주의 신작 보드게임
  • 2023-04-25 19:04:34

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Lv.2 한마리곰
2:48 트릭케리언
46:52 스타워즈 리벨리온: 제국의 부상 
1:12:42 티펜탈의 선술집: 신장 개업!
1:32:11 커피 러시
1:52:20 크베들린부르크의 돌팔이약장수: 연금술사
2:19:30 프로젝트 L 
2:36:53 탈출! 모래늪
2:48:27 도블 디즈니 100주년 에디션 
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관련 보드게임

  • 도블
    Spot it! (2009)
    • (Uncredited), Denis Blanchot, René Goscinny, Laura Mena, Mikmak Studio, Ingrid Vang Nyman, Peyo, Igor Polouchine, Albert Uderzo
  • 트릭케리언
    Trickerion: Legends of Illusion (2015)
    • (Uncredited), Denis Blanchot, René Goscinny, Laura Mena, Mikmak Studio, Ingrid Vang Nyman, Peyo, Igor Polouchine, Albert Uderzo, Villő Farkas, László Fejes
  • 스타워즈 리벨리온 확장: 제국의 부상
    Star Wars: Rebellion – Rise of the Empire (2017)
    • (Uncredited), Denis Blanchot, René Goscinny, Laura Mena, Mikmak Studio, Ingrid Vang Nyman, Peyo, Igor Polouchine, Albert Uderzo, Villő Farkas, László Fejes, Justin Adams, Borja Pindado Arribas, Tiziano Baracchi, Ryan Barger, Matt Bradbury, Adam Burn, Von Caberte, Anthony Devine, Mariusz Gandzel, Sergey Glushakov, Zach Graves, Audrey Hotte, Joel Hustak, Jeff Lee Johnson, Adam Lane, Jennifer S. Lange, Ignacio Bazán Lazcano, Henning Ludvigsen, Alejandro Mirabal, Mark Molnar, Ameen Naksewee, David Auden Nash, Mike Nash, Maciej Rebisz, Vlad Ricean, Siim Rimm, WiL Springer, Matthew Starbuck, Matthew Stawicki, Nicholas Stohlman, Darren Tan, Alex Tooth, Ryan Valle, VIKO, Magali Villeneuve, Ben Zweifel
  • 프로젝트 L
    Project L (2020)
    • (Uncredited), Denis Blanchot, René Goscinny, Laura Mena, Mikmak Studio, Ingrid Vang Nyman, Peyo, Igor Polouchine, Albert Uderzo, Villő Farkas, László Fejes, Justin Adams, Borja Pindado Arribas, Tiziano Baracchi, Ryan Barger, Matt Bradbury, Adam Burn, Von Caberte, Anthony Devine, Mariusz Gandzel, Sergey Glushakov, Zach Graves, Audrey Hotte, Joel Hustak, Jeff Lee Johnson, Adam Lane, Jennifer S. Lange, Ignacio Bazán Lazcano, Henning Ludvigsen, Alejandro Mirabal, Mark Molnar, Ameen Naksewee, David Auden Nash, Mike Nash, Maciej Rebisz, Vlad Ricean, Siim Rimm, WiL Springer, Matthew Starbuck, Matthew Stawicki, Nicholas Stohlman, Darren Tan, Alex Tooth, Ryan Valle, VIKO, Magali Villeneuve, Ben Zweifel, Jaroslav Jurica, Marek Loskot, Pavel Richter
  • 티펜탈의 선술집
    The Taverns of Tiefenthal (2019)
    • (Uncredited), Denis Blanchot, René Goscinny, Laura Mena, Mikmak Studio, Ingrid Vang Nyman, Peyo, Igor Polouchine, Albert Uderzo, Villő Farkas, László Fejes, Justin Adams, Borja Pindado Arribas, Tiziano Baracchi, Ryan Barger, Matt Bradbury, Adam Burn, Von Caberte, Anthony Devine, Mariusz Gandzel, Sergey Glushakov, Zach Graves, Audrey Hotte, Joel Hustak, Jeff Lee Johnson, Adam Lane, Jennifer S. Lange, Ignacio Bazán Lazcano, Henning Ludvigsen, Alejandro Mirabal, Mark Molnar, Ameen Naksewee, David Auden Nash, Mike Nash, Maciej Rebisz, Vlad Ricean, Siim Rimm, WiL Springer, Matthew Starbuck, Matthew Stawicki, Nicholas Stohlman, Darren Tan, Alex Tooth, Ryan Valle, VIKO, Magali Villeneuve, Ben Zweifel, Jaroslav Jurica, Marek Loskot, Pavel Richter, Dennis Lohausen
  • 크베들린부르크의 돌팔이 약장수 확장: 연금술사
    The Quacks of Quedlinburg: The Alchemists (2020)
    • (Uncredited), Denis Blanchot, René Goscinny, Laura Mena, Mikmak Studio, Ingrid Vang Nyman, Peyo, Igor Polouchine, Albert Uderzo, Villő Farkas, László Fejes, Justin Adams, Borja Pindado Arribas, Tiziano Baracchi, Ryan Barger, Matt Bradbury, Adam Burn, Von Caberte, Anthony Devine, Mariusz Gandzel, Sergey Glushakov, Zach Graves, Audrey Hotte, Joel Hustak, Jeff Lee Johnson, Adam Lane, Jennifer S. Lange, Ignacio Bazán Lazcano, Henning Ludvigsen, Alejandro Mirabal, Mark Molnar, Ameen Naksewee, David Auden Nash, Mike Nash, Maciej Rebisz, Vlad Ricean, Siim Rimm, WiL Springer, Matthew Starbuck, Matthew Stawicki, Nicholas Stohlman, Darren Tan, Alex Tooth, Ryan Valle, VIKO, Magali Villeneuve, Ben Zweifel, Jaroslav Jurica, Marek Loskot, Pavel Richter, Dennis Lohausen, Oliver Schlemmer
  • 티펜탈의 선술집 확장: 신장개업
    The Taverns of Tiefenthal: Open Doors (2021)
    • (Uncredited), Denis Blanchot, René Goscinny, Laura Mena, Mikmak Studio, Ingrid Vang Nyman, Peyo, Igor Polouchine, Albert Uderzo, Villő Farkas, László Fejes, Justin Adams, Borja Pindado Arribas, Tiziano Baracchi, Ryan Barger, Matt Bradbury, Adam Burn, Von Caberte, Anthony Devine, Mariusz Gandzel, Sergey Glushakov, Zach Graves, Audrey Hotte, Joel Hustak, Jeff Lee Johnson, Adam Lane, Jennifer S. Lange, Ignacio Bazán Lazcano, Henning Ludvigsen, Alejandro Mirabal, Mark Molnar, Ameen Naksewee, David Auden Nash, Mike Nash, Maciej Rebisz, Vlad Ricean, Siim Rimm, WiL Springer, Matthew Starbuck, Matthew Stawicki, Nicholas Stohlman, Darren Tan, Alex Tooth, Ryan Valle, VIKO, Magali Villeneuve, Ben Zweifel, Jaroslav Jurica, Marek Loskot, Pavel Richter, Dennis Lohausen, Oliver Schlemmer, Dennis Lohausen
  • 커피 러시
    Coffee Rush (2023)
    • (Uncredited), Denis Blanchot, René Goscinny, Laura Mena, Mikmak Studio, Ingrid Vang Nyman, Peyo, Igor Polouchine, Albert Uderzo, Villő Farkas, László Fejes, Justin Adams, Borja Pindado Arribas, Tiziano Baracchi, Ryan Barger, Matt Bradbury, Adam Burn, Von Caberte, Anthony Devine, Mariusz Gandzel, Sergey Glushakov, Zach Graves, Audrey Hotte, Joel Hustak, Jeff Lee Johnson, Adam Lane, Jennifer S. Lange, Ignacio Bazán Lazcano, Henning Ludvigsen, Alejandro Mirabal, Mark Molnar, Ameen Naksewee, David Auden Nash, Mike Nash, Maciej Rebisz, Vlad Ricean, Siim Rimm, WiL Springer, Matthew Starbuck, Matthew Stawicki, Nicholas Stohlman, Darren Tan, Alex Tooth, Ryan Valle, VIKO, Magali Villeneuve, Ben Zweifel, Jaroslav Jurica, Marek Loskot, Pavel Richter, Dennis Lohausen, Oliver Schlemmer, Dennis Lohausen, Siwon Hwang
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