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플리 서커스(Flea Circus) 질문 드립니다.
2005-02-21 18:32:51
외국에 있는 친구가 보내준 게임인데 한글 매뉴얼이 없는 것 같아서 질문 올립니다. 게시판 글을 찾아보니 Feuer Schlucker 와 같은 게임이라고 하던데 컴포넌트 개수도 틀리고 룰도 다른 것 같더라구요. 그래서 인터넷 상으로 여기저기 물어보니 어떤 분이 www.boardgamegeek.com 를 추천해 주시던데요. 영문매뉴얼은 있는데 제가 콩글리쉬의 대가라서리 --;;
다이브다이스에 글을 올리면 매니아 분들께서 자세히 답변해 주실 거라고 해서 글 올려봅니다... 아래의 영문 매뉴얼을 해석해 주셔도 좋고 보드게임 초보자가 이해할 수 있는 게임 설명이라도 좋습니다. 그럼 추운데 감기 조심들 하셔요~~~
Ÿ Players - 2 to 6, aged 6+
Ÿ Components - 55 cards consisting of 28 Attractions (7 different ones in groups of four each), 12 clowns, 7 free tickets, 6 flea acrobat, and 2 animal catchers.
20 rubber cats (1 spectator point each)
20 rubber dogs (2 spectator points each)
1. SETUP: Place all cats and dogs in the middle. These are the spectators. Shuffle the cards, deal a hand of five cards to each player. Place the remaining deck face down in the middle.
2. PLAY A CARD: - A player displays a card, then collects cats or dogs - The youngest player begins, then play continues clockwise. On his turn, a player selects one of his cards and displays it face up in front of him. This pile is called his SHOW. Each player builds his own SHOW stack with only the top card visible, so on his next turn, this player will play his next card on top of this stack. (The top card will always be the card currently displayed for your SHOW stack.)
NOTE: At the end of his turn OR at any convenient time thereafter, the player draws from the deck to refresh his hand to five cards. (See Animal Catcher rules if deck is empty).
3. COLLECT SPECTATORS: Each card played allows the player to collect some spectators (see the list below). Cat spectators are worth 1 point and dog spectators are worth two points.
Attraction: There are seven different Attractions. Their values range from two to four spectators. After displaying an Attraction card, the player collects the corresponding number of spectator points from the first player on his right who still displays a matching card (in value and colour) on top of his SHOW stack. If there is no matching Attraction, the player collects the spectator points from the middle.
Example 1: Joe plays a fire-eater worth 4 points. Jill has the exact same card face up in her stack, so she gives Joe 2 dogs (or 4 cats or 1 dog and 2 cats).
Example 2: Jill plays a Flea Cannonball worth 2 points. Nobody else has the same card on top of their SHOW stacks so she collects a dog (or two cats) from the middle.
Free Tickets: After displaying a free tickets card, the player collects two points (i.e 2 cats or 1 dog) from any one other player of his choice.
Flea Acrobats: After displaying a Flea Acrobat card, the player collects as many spectators from the middle as there are Acrobat cards currently displayed on top of all the players' SHOW stacks. So if three people have just played an Acrobat card and you play a fourth, you collect 4 spectator points from the middle. If you are the only person to have an Acrobat card in your SHOW, then you collect only one spectator point.
Clowns: This is a little different. Instead of playing one card, the player may place ANY number of clowns onto his SHOW stack as one play. For each clown, the player collects one spectator point from the middle.
Animal Catcher: When a Animal Catcher card is played, all other players must return as many spectators to the middle as indicated by the top of their SHOW stack.
Ÿ Attraction = card value Ÿ Clown = 1 Ÿ Free tickets = 2 Ÿ Flea Acrobat = number of Acrobats currently displayed
After an Animal Catcher card has been played, all SHOW stacks are collected, shuffled, and placed under the deck in the middle.
During the game, if a player runs out of cards because the deck is used up and he cannot refill his hand - he must skip his turns and wait until the Animal Catcher shows up so that the deck is replenished and he can draw cards back into his hand.
NOTE- Players must keep their spectators In front of them. A player who is required to give more spectators than he has, must only give what he has.
ENDING THE GAME: The game ends when a player collects the last spectators from the middle (if the number of animals left is insufficient, he can only have what is left). The player with the most spectator points wins the game. If there is a tie, all involved players become joint winners.
다이브다이스에 글을 올리면 매니아 분들께서 자세히 답변해 주실 거라고 해서 글 올려봅니다... 아래의 영문 매뉴얼을 해석해 주셔도 좋고 보드게임 초보자가 이해할 수 있는 게임 설명이라도 좋습니다. 그럼 추운데 감기 조심들 하셔요~~~
Ÿ Players - 2 to 6, aged 6+
Ÿ Components - 55 cards consisting of 28 Attractions (7 different ones in groups of four each), 12 clowns, 7 free tickets, 6 flea acrobat, and 2 animal catchers.
20 rubber cats (1 spectator point each)
20 rubber dogs (2 spectator points each)
1. SETUP: Place all cats and dogs in the middle. These are the spectators. Shuffle the cards, deal a hand of five cards to each player. Place the remaining deck face down in the middle.
2. PLAY A CARD: - A player displays a card, then collects cats or dogs - The youngest player begins, then play continues clockwise. On his turn, a player selects one of his cards and displays it face up in front of him. This pile is called his SHOW. Each player builds his own SHOW stack with only the top card visible, so on his next turn, this player will play his next card on top of this stack. (The top card will always be the card currently displayed for your SHOW stack.)
NOTE: At the end of his turn OR at any convenient time thereafter, the player draws from the deck to refresh his hand to five cards. (See Animal Catcher rules if deck is empty).
3. COLLECT SPECTATORS: Each card played allows the player to collect some spectators (see the list below). Cat spectators are worth 1 point and dog spectators are worth two points.
Attraction: There are seven different Attractions. Their values range from two to four spectators. After displaying an Attraction card, the player collects the corresponding number of spectator points from the first player on his right who still displays a matching card (in value and colour) on top of his SHOW stack. If there is no matching Attraction, the player collects the spectator points from the middle.
Example 1: Joe plays a fire-eater worth 4 points. Jill has the exact same card face up in her stack, so she gives Joe 2 dogs (or 4 cats or 1 dog and 2 cats).
Example 2: Jill plays a Flea Cannonball worth 2 points. Nobody else has the same card on top of their SHOW stacks so she collects a dog (or two cats) from the middle.
Free Tickets: After displaying a free tickets card, the player collects two points (i.e 2 cats or 1 dog) from any one other player of his choice.
Flea Acrobats: After displaying a Flea Acrobat card, the player collects as many spectators from the middle as there are Acrobat cards currently displayed on top of all the players' SHOW stacks. So if three people have just played an Acrobat card and you play a fourth, you collect 4 spectator points from the middle. If you are the only person to have an Acrobat card in your SHOW, then you collect only one spectator point.
Clowns: This is a little different. Instead of playing one card, the player may place ANY number of clowns onto his SHOW stack as one play. For each clown, the player collects one spectator point from the middle.
Animal Catcher: When a Animal Catcher card is played, all other players must return as many spectators to the middle as indicated by the top of their SHOW stack.
Ÿ Attraction = card value Ÿ Clown = 1 Ÿ Free tickets = 2 Ÿ Flea Acrobat = number of Acrobats currently displayed
After an Animal Catcher card has been played, all SHOW stacks are collected, shuffled, and placed under the deck in the middle.
During the game, if a player runs out of cards because the deck is used up and he cannot refill his hand - he must skip his turns and wait until the Animal Catcher shows up so that the deck is replenished and he can draw cards back into his hand.
NOTE- Players must keep their spectators In front of them. A player who is required to give more spectators than he has, must only give what he has.
ENDING THE GAME: The game ends when a player collects the last spectators from the middle (if the number of animals left is insufficient, he can only have what is left). The player with the most spectator points wins the game. If there is a tie, all involved players become joint winners.
관련 보드게임
- 관련 보드게임이 없습니다.
그 벼룩서커스가 아닌듯 한데요...
원제로 검색해 보심이... -
방금 자료실에 올려놓았습니다.
그리고 Zirkus Flohcati 와 Flea Circus는 다른 게임입니다. -
오홍 그렇군요......=_=;;;;;;;
아무리 지나치게 강조해도 모자라는 검색의 생활화. -
guten tag님 감사합니다. ^^* 잼나게 게임 하겠습니다
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