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2008-11-22 16:04:03
대부분 번역을 했지만 좀 이해가 안되는 부분이 있어
원문을 올리오니 자세한 번역을 부탁 드립니다.
## 1 ##
Special Case:
The first player to build a non-Wooden ship at a particular Wharf
(an Iron or Steel ship or a Luxury liner) must modernise the wharf by
placing 1 brick on it.
The brick remains on the Wharf for the remainder of the game to show
that the Wharf has been modernised for all players.
Only a player who is building a ship may modernise a Wharf.
A player need not own a Wharf to modernise it.
위에 설명은 Wharf 건물에 대한것 같은데요.
Wharf라는 건물의 설명은 아래와 같습니다.
같이 번역해 주셨으면 합니다.
## 2 ##
The Player pays the building costs (including 3 energy) for his
choice of Ship card. Players can only build 1 ship at a time
at a Wharf.
Players can only build ships that are become available, and
can only build the topmost ship on each pile.
The first player to build a ship that is not a Wooden ship at a
particular Wharf must first modernise it by placing 1 brick on
the Wharf. The brick remains on the Wharf until the end of the
A player can only modenise a Wharf if he is also building a ship.
Players do not need to pay additional brick to build additional Iron
or Steel ships or Luxury liners at a modernised Wharf.
(All ships of the same sort supply the same amount of food. The
only point on which they differ is their value : each ship of a given
type is more valuable than the last. The exception is the Luxury
liners : the first has a value of 38, the last only 30.)
세번째는 수확에 관한 룰 같습니다.
## 3 ##
In the Harvest, players receive grain and cattle. A Player with at
least 1 grain receives 1 additional grain. A player with at least
2 cattle receives 1 additional cattle. In rounds where "no Harvest"
is shown, neither grain nor cattle is distributed.
대부분 해석을 했지만 몇가지 확실치 않은것을 올려봅니다.
자세한 해석 부탁드리겠습니다...(__)
원문을 올리오니 자세한 번역을 부탁 드립니다.
## 1 ##
Special Case:
The first player to build a non-Wooden ship at a particular Wharf
(an Iron or Steel ship or a Luxury liner) must modernise the wharf by
placing 1 brick on it.
The brick remains on the Wharf for the remainder of the game to show
that the Wharf has been modernised for all players.
Only a player who is building a ship may modernise a Wharf.
A player need not own a Wharf to modernise it.
위에 설명은 Wharf 건물에 대한것 같은데요.
Wharf라는 건물의 설명은 아래와 같습니다.
같이 번역해 주셨으면 합니다.
## 2 ##
The Player pays the building costs (including 3 energy) for his
choice of Ship card. Players can only build 1 ship at a time
at a Wharf.
Players can only build ships that are become available, and
can only build the topmost ship on each pile.
The first player to build a ship that is not a Wooden ship at a
particular Wharf must first modernise it by placing 1 brick on
the Wharf. The brick remains on the Wharf until the end of the
A player can only modenise a Wharf if he is also building a ship.
Players do not need to pay additional brick to build additional Iron
or Steel ships or Luxury liners at a modernised Wharf.
(All ships of the same sort supply the same amount of food. The
only point on which they differ is their value : each ship of a given
type is more valuable than the last. The exception is the Luxury
liners : the first has a value of 38, the last only 30.)
세번째는 수확에 관한 룰 같습니다.
## 3 ##
In the Harvest, players receive grain and cattle. A Player with at
least 1 grain receives 1 additional grain. A player with at least
2 cattle receives 1 additional cattle. In rounds where "no Harvest"
is shown, neither grain nor cattle is distributed.
대부분 해석을 했지만 몇가지 확실치 않은것을 올려봅니다.
자세한 해석 부탁드리겠습니다...(__)
관련 보드게임
- 관련 보드게임이 없습니다.
와프는 조선소에요. 배 카드를 가져올 수 있는 액션이고요.
위의 설명은 누군가(주인이 아니더라도)와프에 벽돌(brick)을 놓아서 업그레이드(modernise)를 하지 않으면 스틸쉽이나 럭셔리선단을 구입할 수 없다는 설명인거 같습니다.
와프의 기능은 플레이어 말을 놓고 배카드덱의 맨 위에 있는 카드를 가져옵니다.
물론 카드에서 요구하는 자원(+3 에너지)을 내고 가져 오고요.
배를 가져오면 적절한 식량토큰을 찾아서 자신의 앞에 둡니다.
보통은 그 개인참조표 위에 놓는게 편했던거 같습니다.
그리고 수확턴에는 곡식과 소가 늘어나는데요.
라운드 카드에 '수확'이 명시되어 있는 턴에만 일어 납니다.
곡식은 1개라도 있으면 1개가 늘어나고요.
소는 2개 이상 있으면 1개가 늘어 납니다.
묻고 싶습니다. 특정 단어가 게임 디자이너의 의견인가요?
코보게 명예 훼손으로 신고해도 되나요?
코보게의 입장문에 대해
코보게 응원합니다. 모든 혐오와 편견에 반대합니다.
게이머스 게이머들이 전부 매도당하는 것 같아 기분이 나빠 한마디 올립니다.