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Chasms is a strategic card game (Up to 6 players) where you collaborate and compete to take down ancient Monsters whilst vying for the ultimate title: Invoker of Caznia!

At the start of each game, players choose from a range of Hunter Leaders and form their own decks; each Hunter Leader has his/her own unique abilities.

Then, players will both compete and collaborate to hunt down Monsters. Beware, the Monsters will retaliate! After players attack a Monster, they collect Victory Points (VP). By default, the player with the most VPs win at the end of the game


There is a twist...

So form your team, protect Caznia, and strategize! Caznia welcomes all ye adventurers.


Chasms is the first game released from a series! Behind Chasms is a world called Caznia. Below is a short story from Book I, Tales of Caznia: A Wing of Hope


It was the usual drizzly season at the small seaside town of Dragon’s Edge. Some of the fishermen were at sea, hoping to haul in some last bit of the ocean\'s treasures before going home for dinner. The sky was overcast, but the air felt peaceful and calm. A chilly April wind ran through the streets, cheekily tapping on whatever the townspeople hung outside their shops and houses. It was getting close to evening, and the place was winding down; People were scattering, eagerly going back for a nice warm stew, before any possible flurries of rain visit their homes. Oil lanterns around the town were dotted with a warm orange light; gold sparkles slowly swirled out of the lanterns in all directions, before turning into silver stars and fading away into oblivion. ‘The Perri Light’ as the locals would say; The town’s pride and joy, Sir Perison, was an Aurum Knight.

If one would ask ‘What is an Aurum Knight?’ The locals would either flip the traveler a look of surprise or suspicion, at least nothing that would be polite. In the kingdom of Meera, where Knights were revered as Lords, Aurum Knights were at the pinnacle of them.

Leaders of entire armies, Aurum Knights held the strongest Blessings - natural powers granted mysteriously hundreds of years ago to all humankind. Sir Perison was rumored to have driven back an invading yellow dragon some years back single-handedly, making him a hero of the people as well as ‘Mr Attractive’ to the ladies.

Everyone in the lands of Caznia could invoke their Blessings to different extents and create phenomena based on their skills and creative minds. Sir Perison, in gratitude to the town that raised him, created a fire that would sparkle and last much longer than your usual lantern variety.

So the townspeople fondly named it after the Knight.

However, Perison was not in the mood today for anything else. Holding a floating crystal ball in his palm, the tall, muscular looking Knight clad in an armor of velvet and gold was striding quickly through the town, looking for something anxiously. The wind kept his cloak flapping every now and then, and the slow and steady hum of the crystal formed a rhythm to which the Knight was unconsciously striding to. John, the butcher’s fat little son who loved to observe people around him, was staring at Perison with a look of wonder, licking a bar of candy which his mother bought for him at the stall across at the same time. It was his first time seeing a Knight. Anyone who caught a glimpse of Perison and was about to greet him kept quiet, as they could tell the Knight was looking for something earnestly... everyone else until granny Helva.

AS the focused Aurum Knight was striding past the town square into a narrow alleyway, granny Helva caught sight of him through her window; “Perison, my lad, where are you going at this hour? Come in for some salmon-pie, baked fresh today,” Helva chirped, toddling out of her house, stretching out her hand towards the Knight, beckoning him to come over.

Perison stopped in his tracks, his boots clanking to a stop on the stone pavement. Turning around, the Knight loosened his shoulders, took a deep breath, relaxed, gave a big smile and said, “Granny Helva! Thanks for the offer. I am in a hurry today though, maybe tomorrow?”

"Nonsense lad! There is always time for a good strip of baked fish: granny Helva insisted. Trembling, she stretch out her arm again and took a gentle hold on Perison\'s hand. "Come in"

"Thanks so much granny", Perison replied. The Knight smiled broadly, his crow\'s feet appearing in fine lines behind his sparkling blue eyes. Perison gently patted the kind old lady. "But I am looking for someth- someone urgently. And-"

Before he could finish, a cry of thunder split through the gray clouds overlooking the town. Shortly after, a tornado started to form and slowly descend upon the beach of Dragon’s Edge. The waves roared in an agitated manner, and a drizzle began to steadily grow in intensity.

“Sir Perison! I have found the family!” Screamed a young voice. Dashing from the left across the street, a young man about 17, cloaked in a grey hood, ran towards the Aurum Knight. Wearing a pair of brown leather boots, the squire slipped on a tiny puddle recently formed by the drizzle and would have given granny Helva a full prostrating bow, but Perison caught his arm and grabbed him in time.

“Careful, Graham, we wouldn’t want to injure anyone”, Perison chided gently at his companion.

Ï am so-sor-thank yo- I mean sorry granny” Graham apologized, grinning sheepishly as granny Helva smiled and patted him slowly on the shoulder.

“Go indoors, granny, I will be right back,” giving Helva another gentle pat on the arm, Perison steered the old lady back onto her porch with both hands, tossed the crystal away, muttering something along the lines of “Dumb little thing” and started sprinting towards where the tornado was moving down upon.

After a few steps, Perison held out his left hand, where a bracelet of gold adorned with seven beautiful rubies were. “Volaris!” shouted the Knight, and a cloud of gold dust and flames sprouted beneath him. Perison shot into the sky and flew.

Fat little John gawked, coughed and dropped his candy.

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