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JCG의 업무는 2020년대 전반을 가정한 일본해경의 업무를 바탕으로 한 탁상훈련이다.

플레이어는 일본해경의 경비구조부의 경비과·경비정보과·구조과·환경방재과·해양정보과를 담당하는 통합대응조정관(가상의 역할)의 역할을 맡아 경비정 운용을 목적으로 하고, '적절한 조직'과 '적절한 규모'의 항공기, SST(특수경비팀), 특수구조팀, 이동식 방재팀 등이다."

탁상훈련을 위한 지도는 "광활한" 일본 영해와 일본해경이 관할하는 배타적 경제수역을 망라하고 있다.

JCG가 보유한 모든 대형 경비함이 단일 부대로 포함되며, 주요 유형의 중형 및 소형 경비함도 모두 등장한다.

이번 탁상훈련에서는 최근 센카쿠 센카쿠 열도가 화제가 되고 있는 등 영해안보를 비롯해 우미자루가 주목한 구조임무, 수상함정 등 다양한 '작업'을 해야 하는 어려움을 경험하게 된다, 대륙붕에 대한 해양조사와 해양오염과 같은 환경보호.

Work of the JCG is a tabletop exercise based on the operations of the Japan Coast Guard, assuming the first half of the 2020s.

The player takes on the role of an integrated response coordinator (a fictional role) who is responsible for the Security Division, Security Information Division, Rescue Division, Environmental Disaster Prevention Division, and Marine Information Division of the Japan Coast Guard\'s Security and Rescue Department, and aims to operate patrol boats, aircraft, SST (special security team), special rescue team, and mobile disaster prevention team in an "appropriate organization" and "appropriate scale."

The map for the tabletop exercise covers the "vast" Japanese territorial waters and exclusive economic zone under the jurisdiction of the Japan Coast Guard.

Every large patrol vessel owned by the JCG is included as a single unit, and all major types of medium-sized and smaller patrol vessels also appear.

In this tabletop exercise, you will experience the difficulties of engaging in a wide variety of "works," including territorial waters security, such as the Senkaku Islands, which have become a hot topic in recent years, as well as rescue missions and suspicious ships, which were a focus of attention by Umizaru, marine surveys of the continental shelf, and environmental protection, such as marine pollution.

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