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게임 소개

Tilting dice
by James Ryan

Tilting dice is a two-player abstract strategy game designed for use with Nestortiles. Players construct a modular board and then strategically position their dice to make a capture. When two dice connect, the die with the highest facing side wins.


1) The board:
Each player picks two colors of Nestortiles and takes all the tiles of those colors. The rest of the tiles are shuffled face down and patched together into a 6x6 grid. The grid is flipped over, revealing the pattern of pips. This will be used as the game board.

2) The dice:
Players now use their twelve Nestortiles to assemble two dice in any way they please.

3) Placing the dice on the board:
Players now place their dice in the corners of their own side of the game board with any side face up, so long as it does not match the number of the tile the die is on. Who ever is start player should place his or her dice first, giving the second player a chance to evaluate the position and place his or her dice accordingly.

Example: In one of Eva's corners, there is a tile with four pips. She may place either of her dice in this corner, so long as it is not showing 4 pips on its top face. Once she places both of her dice, it will be Nestor's turn to place his. Then Eva will make the first move.

Players may decide turn order in any manner they like. Start player will alternate each round.

The first player to "capture" one of the other player's dice wins the round. First player to win 3 rounds wins the game.


1) Moving dice:
When players take their turns, they move one of their dice three times. Moving a die means "tilting" it on to the next space forward, backward, left, or right, so that the top face of the die becomes the side facing that direction.

Example: Eva will play first. She decides to move her die that shows a green 5 on top. First, she will move it one space forward. Eva now tilts the die forward so that the green 5 faces forward and the die rests squarely on the next tile forward.

Now this same die shows a blue 2 on top and she wants to move this one space to the left. She tilts the die to the left so that the blue 2 is now the side facing left and the die lands squarely on the next tile to the left..

Now this die has a blue 5 on top, and Eva wants to move it one more space forward, so she tilts the die forward, moving the die onto the next tile forward so that his blue 5 faces forward, toward her opponent. Eva's turn is turn is now over.

At no point during a player's turn may they move their die back onto a tile it has already touched during the same turn. This means players cannot retrace their path or repeat moves during the same turn.

Dice may not be moved diagonally. Dice may not be rotated.

2) Making a capture:
When two opposing dice are in adjacent squares, their facing sides are compared. The die with the highest value on its facing side captures the other and the round is over.

Example: One of Nestor's dice shows a 4 on one side. Eva is able to move her die so that it ends on the space adjacent to this side with a value of 5 facing Nestor's 4. Eva's 5 beats Nestor's 4, so Eva wins the round.

Dice cannot be captured "in passing." In other words, the sides of dice are not compared for a capture unless a player has completed all three moves of his or her turn. If dice are in adjacent squares on the first or second move of a turn, there is no comparison of sides and no capture.

Sometimes, a die will end a turn on a "matching" tile. A die is said to be on a matching tile when its top face is of the same value as the tile. When a die is on a matching tile, all of its outward facing sides double in value for as long as the die remains on the matching tile. This means it may capture a die showing a side of greater value than it would normally be able to capture.

Example: One of Eva's dice is on a matching space, and its outward facing sides show values of 2, 3, 4, and 4. Because she is on a matching tile, their values are now 4, 6, 8, and 8. As soon as she moves off the tile, their values will return to normal.

Let's say Eva ended her turn on a matching tile that is adjacent to one of Nestor's dice. His die shows a 6 facing hers, and her die shows a 4 facing his. Ordinarily Eva would lose the round in this position, but because she is on a matching tile, the value of her 4 doubles to an 8. Her 8 beats Nestor's 6 and she wins the round.

If dice are compared for capture and their values are equal, no capture takes place on that turn.


Once a capture has been made, players collect their dice and prepare for a new round. Players should decide before a game begins whether or not they want the ability to remake their dice between rounds. Unless otherwise stated, dice should retain their composition for the duration of the game, and the board should likewise remain intact for all 3-5 rounds.

The game ends when a player has won three rounds and is declared the winner.

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